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The Omnitron Defense System

This is a four robot battle where all four bosses share the same health pool. Generally you want
two tanks, one on the left of the room and the other on the opposite side on the right. Ranged and
healers position yourselves near the entry way and everyone in the raid prepare to be mobile. You
may have to reposition your character at times and run away from adds or whatnot so survivability
over DPS etc.

Position toxitron so that his right arm is away from the wall youre tankin him againt. He summons
adds at some point during the fight and you dont want those adds to touch you. Also be ware of
green gas coulds. If you put him in the coud without having your toon in the cloud you force
toxitron to take a debuff that makes him take more damage.

Dont stand in green gas coulds. Also, when toxitron summons his adds, be ready to slow them,
and kill them without touching them. If you touch them they explode leaving a green puddle that
damages anyone standing in it.

Ranged DPS
Stay out of clouds, slow and kill the adds ASAP!

Dont stand in a green gas cloud and be ready to heal anyone that does. Also, toxiton summons
adds; should they touch a player, be ready to heal that player for a lot, that is if they dont get one shot.

Arcanatron will do a move called Arcane Annihialator. This must be interupted EVERY time.
Also, he will put a pool of white glowing aura on the ground, move him out of this immediately.

As a melee you must be responsible aswell for interupting Arcane Annihialator. This is a frequent,
fast cast.

Ranged DPS
You must also be ready to interupt Arcane Annihalator. If your class can spell steal, be ready to
spell steal “Power Conversion”. This gives the boss an increase to its attacking capabilities.

If Arcane Annihalator fires off be ready to quickly heal its target. Also be aware that Arcanatron
can gain “Power Conversion” increaing his attack capability and thus increasing how much you
have to heal. Lastly, take turns standing in Arcanotrons white aura puddle. You can regenerate
mana more quickly when you do this.

There is nothing you can do except tank this boss against a wall.

Melee, Ranged, and Healers
Magmatron does a move called “Aquiring Target”. If you are the target of this move to a wall out
of everyones path or if youre not the target move out of the direct path between magmatron and
his target. This attack is a fire beam that burns all in its path. This can also be on the tank not
tanking Magmatron.

Only two things really, Heal the target of Aquireing Target, and heal the raid when Magmatron
does his AOE burn.

If you are the player with “Lightning Conductor” Get away from everyone. If you are the tank,
tell everyone to get away from you. Also, spread out, he does a lightning chain that hits people
harder the closer they are in chain sequence.

Simply heal through “Electrical Discharge”. That is the chain that does some minor aoe damage
between three players. The closer they are the worse the damage. Also if Magmatron and Electron
are both active at the same time, prepare for some heavy heals.

General Rules for The Omnitron Defense System
These bosses have power meteres instead of mana or rage bars. The meters read from 0-100.
When the active boss's power reaches 50 you must switch all DPS to the next active boss, even
the tank must stop attacking. The reason: at 50 the boss puts up a shield. Breaking this shield one
shots everyone around the boss, including the tank. Also, during Arcanotron, a melee should stay
with the tank, and without attacking, while the shell is up, continue to interupt Arcane Annihalator.

In conculsion This fight is a fight based on intense heal spikes, staying out of fire, staying away
from adds and killing them quickly, and focusing on what is called over Vent.
